real freindship

11 Dec 2013

real freindship

That Friendship will not continue to the end WHICH is begum for an Friendship often ends in love;
but Love in friendship never ends.
The secret to friendship is being a good listener.
I can not concentrate all my friendship on any single one of my friends because no one is complete enough in himself.

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Friendship is a single soul living in two bodies.
Friendship is the union of spirits, a marriage of hearts, and the bond thereof virtue. The Friendship between me and you I will not compare to a chain; for that rains might rust, or the falling tree might break.
True friendship is never serene.
A simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument 
A real friend knows that It's not a friendship until after you have had a fight.
Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.
Friendship is a horizon - which expands wheever we approach it.
True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.

A Murder-Suicide

A Murder-Suicide
A man and a woman died in an apparent murder-suicide last night in Altadena. The man was 74-year-old Dominic Vittorio. The woman was his 70-year-old wife, Victoria. The couple had been married for 50 years. In fact, their 50th anniversary occurred just a month ago, according to their next-door neighbor, Mrs. Allen. The couple was childless and had no close friends. Mr. Vittorio was a retired carpenter who had emphysema and was blind in one eye because of a cataract. His wife was a diabetic who had already had one foot amputated because of complications from the disease. Her eyesight was almost completely gone. "They were such a nice couple," said Mrs. Allen. "I've lived next to them for the last 20 years or so. I'm widowed, and Dom always used to help me with things like changing light bulbs and fixing appliances. They had no kids, but they were always friendly to the neighborhood kids. Every Halloween they handed out tons of candy and fresh fruit. But about eight years ago Vicky came down with diabetes, and things just haven't been the same for her or Dom. They used to be so friendly and full of life, and then they just seemed to get quieter and quieter.
"She used to come over to my place once or twice a week, and we would talk about all kinds of things and have the nicest time. But that happened less and less as she got sicker. So I would go over to her house about once a week and we would talk. But the conversations steadily got shorter, and she seemed to lose interest in listening and in talking. She didn't say it, but you could tell she was in a lot of pain."
Mrs. Allen said she hadn't even talked to either of the Vittorios in almost a year. They never came out. Even food was delivered to them by a local agency. She said she heard two gunshots last night—"It scared me half to death!" She immediately called the police. "Such a sad ending for such nice people," she said. "Together in sickness, but alone in the world."

A Missing Cat

A Missing Cat
The owner of a missing cat is asking for help. "My baby has been missing for over a month now, and I want him back so badly," said Mrs. Brown, a 56-year-old woman. Mrs. Brown lives by herself in a trailer park near Clovis. She said that Clyde, her 7-year-old cat, didn't come home for dinner more than a month ago. The next morning he didn't appear for breakfast either. After Clyde missed an extra-special lunch, she called the police.
When the policeman asked her to describe Clyde, she told him that Clyde had beautiful green eyes, had all his teeth but was missing half of his left ear, and was seven years old and completely white. She then told the officer that Clyde was about a foot high.
A bell went off. "Is Clyde your child or your pet?" the officer suspiciously asked. "Well, he's my cat, of course," Mrs. Brown replied. "Lady, you're supposed to report missing PERSONS, not missing CATS," said the irritated policeman. "Well, who can I report this to?" she asked. "You can't. You have to ask around your neighborhood or put up flyers," replied the officer.
Mrs. Brown figured that a billboard would work a lot better than an 8"x11" piece of paper on a telephone pole. There was an empty billboard at the end of her street just off the interstate highway. The billboard had a phone number on it. She called that number, and they told her they could blow up a picture of Clyde (from Mrs. Brown's family album) and put it on the billboard for all to see.
"But how can people see it when they whiz by on the interstate?" she asked. "Oh, don't worry, ma'am, they only whiz by between 2 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. The rest of the day, the interstate is so full of commuters that no one moves." They told her it would cost only $3,000 a month. So she took most of the money out of her savings account and rented the billboard for a month.
The month has passed, but Clyde has not appeared. Because she has almost no money in savings, Mrs. Brown called the local newspaper to see if anyone could help her rent the billboard for just one more month. She is waiting but, so far, no one has stepped forward.

The Line of Least Resistance

10 Dec 2013

The Line of Least Resistance

Our story today is called "The Line of Least Resistance."  It was written by Edith Wharton. Here is Larry West with the story.
Storyteller:  Mr. Mindon returned home for lunch. His wife Millicent was not at home. The servants did not know where she was.
Mr. Mindon sat alone at the table in the garden. He ate a small piece of meat and drank some mineral water. Mr. Mindon always ate simple meals, because he had problems with his stomach. Why then did he keep a cook among his servants?  Because his wife Millicent liked to invite her friends to big dinners and serve them rare and expensive food and wine.
Mr. Mindon did not enjoy his wifes parties. Millicent complained that he did not know how to enjoy life. She did a lot of things that he did not like.
Millicent wasted Mr. Mindons money and was unpleasant to him. But he never got angry with his wife.
After eating, Mr. Mindon took a walk through his house. He did not stay long in the living room. It reminded him of all the hours he had spent there at his wifes parties. The sight of the formal dining room made him feel even more uncomfortable. He remembered the long dinners where he had to talk to his wifes friends for hours. They never seemed very interested in what he was saying.
Mr. Mindon walked quickly past the ballroom where his wife danced with her friends. He would go to bed after dinner. But he could hear the orchestra playing until three in the morning.
Mr. Mindon walked into the library. No one in the house ever read any of the books. But Mr. Mindon was proud to be rich enough to have a perfectly useless room in his house.
He went into the sunny little room where his wife planned her busy days and evenings. Her writing table was covered with notes and cards from all her friends. Her wastepaper basket was full of empty envelopes that had carried invitations to lunches, dinners, and theater parties.
Mr. Mindon saw a letter crushed into a small ball on the floor. He bent to pick it up. Just as he was about to throw it into the wastepaper basket, he noticed that the letter was signed by his business partner, Thomas Antrim. But Antrims letter to Mr. Mindons wife was not about business.
As Mr. Mindon read it, he felt as if his mind was spinning out of control. He sat down heavily in the chair near his wifes little writing table.
Now the room looked cold and unfamiliar. "Who are you?" the walls seemed to say. "Who am I?" Mr. Mindon said in a loud voice. "Ill tell you who I am! I am the man who paid for every piece of furniture in this room. If it were not for me and my money, this room would be empty!"  Suddenly, Mr. Mindon felt taller. He marched across his wifes room. It belonged to him, didnt it? The house belonged to him, too. He felt powerful.
He sat at the table and wrote a letter to Millicent. One of the servants came into the room. "Did you call, sir?" he asked. "No," Mr. Mindon replied. "But since you are here, please telephone for a taxi cab at once."
The taxi took him to a hotel near his bank. A clerk showed him to his room. It smelled of cheap soap. The window in the room was open and hot noises came up from the street. Mr. Mindon looked at his watch. Four oclock. He wondered if Millicent had come home yet and read his letter.
His head began to ache, and Mr. Mindon lay down on the bed. When he woke up, it was dark. He looked at his watch. Eight oclock. Millicent must be dressing for dinner. They were supposed to go to Missus Targes house for dinner tonight. Well, Mr. Mindon thought, Millicent would have to go alone. Maybe she would ask Thomas Antrim to take her to the party!
Mr. Mindon realized he was hungry. He left his room and walked down the stairs to the hotel dining room. The air -- smelling of coffee and fried food -- wrapped itself around his head.
Mr. Mindon could not eat much of the food that the hotel waiter brought him. He went back to his room, feeling sick. He also felt hot and dirty in the clothing he had worn all day. He had never realized how much he loved his home!
Someone knocked at his door. Mr. Mindon jumped to his feet. "Mindon?" a voice asked. "Are you there?"  Mr. Mindon recognized that voice. It belonged to Laurence Meysy. Thirty years ago, Meysy had been very popular with women -- especially with other mens wives. As a young man he had interfered in many marriages. Now, in his old age, Laurence Meysy had become a kind of "marriage doctor."  He helped husbands and wives save their marriages.
Mr. Mindon began to feel better as soon as Laurence Meysy walked into his hotel room. Two men followed him. One was Mr. Mindons rich uncle, Ezra Brownrigg. The other was the Reverend Doctor Bonifant, the minister of Saint Lukes church where Mr. Mindon and his family prayed every Sunday.
Mr. Mindon looked at the three men and felt very proud that they had come to help him. For the first time in his married life, Mr. Mindon felt as important as his wife Millicent.
Laurence Meysy sat on the edge of the bed and lit a cigarette. "Misses Mindon sent for me," he said. Mr. Mindon could not help feeling proud of Millicent. She had done the right thing. Meysy continued. "She showed me your letter. She asks you for mercy." Meysy paused, and then said: "The poor woman is very unhappy. And we have come here to ask you what you plan to do."
Now Mr. Mindon began to feel uncomfortable. "To do?" he asked. "To do? Well…I, I plan to…to leave her."
Meysy stopped smoking his cigarette. "Do you want to divorce her?" he asked.
"Why, yes! Yes!" Mr. Mindon replied.
Meysy knocked the ashes from his cigarette. "Are you absolutely sure that you want to do this?" he asked.
Mr. Mindon nodded his head. "I plan to divorce her," he said loudly.
Mr. Mindon began to feel very excited. It was the first time he had ever had so many people sitting and listening to him. He told his audience everything, beginning with his discovery of his wifes love affair with his business partner, and ending with his complaints about her expensive dinner parties.
His uncle looked at his watch. Doctor Bonifant began to stare out of the hotel window. Meysy stood up. "Do you plan to dishonor yourself then?" he asked.  "No one knows what has happened. You are the only one who can reveal the secret. You will make yourself look foolish."
Mr. Mindon tried to rise. But he fell back weakly. The three men picked up their hats. In another moment, they would be gone. When they left, Mr. Mindon would lose his audience, and his belief in himself and his decision. "I wont leave for New York until tomorrow," he whispered. Laurence Meysy smiled.
"Tomorrow will be too late," he said. "Tomorrow everyone will know you are here." Meysy opened the hotel room door. Mr. Brownrigg and Doctor Bonifant walked out of the room.
Meysy turned to follow them, when he felt Mr. Mindons hand grab his arm. "I…I will come with you," Mr. Mindon sighed. "Its…its…for the children." Laurence Meysy nodded as Mr. Mindon walked out of the room. He closed the door gently.
You have just heard the story "The Line of Least Resistance."  It was written by Edith Wharton and adapted for Special English by Dona de Sanctis. Your storyteller was Larry West.  For VOA Special English, this is Shep O'Neal.

What Went Wrong With Muslims?

What Went Wrong With Muslims?

In 1770 the Turkish naval establishment was wiped out at the Battle of ÇeÅŸme (on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea) by a Russian fleet. (EB, 13/784). In 1799 the Fourth Mysore War took place between Tipu Sultan and the British East India Company at Seringapatam. In this war, Tipu Sultan was killed. When the Governor General, George Harris, heard of the death of Tipu Sultan, he is said to have exclaimed: “Today, India is ours!”
These two events symbolize the beginning of the end of Muslim political glory in the modern age. There were a series of such events everywhere in Muslim countries. The Muslim leadership of that time strongly reacted to this disturbing phenomenon. But history shows that, in all their attempts, they totally failed to achieve their goal. First, there were complaints, then protests, followed by violence, then the gun culture, and lastly suicide bombing. In short, this is the scenario of more than two hundred years of Muslim struggle. What is happening in Egypt is only the latest manifestation of this unsuccessful Muslim activism.
Now the time has come to reassess this long failed struggle. There is no justification for continuing this pattern of resistance. That will only lead to more losses. An unbiased study tells us that those western powers which Muslims considered enemies were, in fact, not enemies, but harbingers of a new civilization. It was the western nations who had developed this new civilization and it was bound to spread out across the world. But there were two aspects to this. One was the political dominance of western nations, and the other was that they had brought to the world an age of new science and technology, and new industry. The traditional world was then transformed into a new world, which resulted in a change in the balance of power. 
The mistake that Muslim leaders made was that they failed to understand this duality. They took it as simply a political phenomenon and they waged a political war against these western nations. In this situation, the best policy for Muslims would have been to differentiate between politics and civilization. The better choice would have been to avoid the political problem and take into account the non-political aspect of western expansion, that is, the civilization ushered in by the West, based on scientific discoveries and modern technology. 
It was this policy that was adopted by the Japanese after the Second World War, and within less than fifty years they emerged as an economic superpower. The same option was opened up for Muslim nations. They should have avoided the political problem and availed of the civilizational opportunities. Had the Muslims done this, history would have taken a different course. Instead of being a protestant community, Muslims would have emerged as a successful community.
This creative policy is an Islamic policy and the Prophet of Islam was the first in history to adopt it. During the negotiations prior to the signing of the Hudaybiyah Treaty, he avoided political problems and tried to avail of whatever opportunities presented themselves at that time. Thus he went on to have that great success which is mentioned in the Quran as a ‘clear victory’ (48:1).
Now, in the twenty-first century, the time has come for Muslims to adopt the policy of U-turn. They must bring to an end all violent activities and should devote their energies to achieving a two-point formula of education and dawah. Education will bring their succeeding generations into line with modern standards, and dawah work will provide them with a global mission through which they will be able to chalk out a proper line of action for themselves. 
Here I would like to refer to two verses from the Quran: “O Believers, turn you all together towards God.” (24:31). Tawbah means following a U-turn policy. It means that Muslims must adopt such a policy at the level of the entire community. 
The other Quranic verse is: “God does not change that which is with a people until they change that which is with themselves.” (13:11). This means that if Muslims want to see a new future, they must change their present.

Natural News completes online social media experiment exploring the boundaries of same-sex marriage, racism, sexism and gender

Natural News completes online social media experiment exploring the boundaries of same-sex marriage, racism, sexism and gender

by ranasajjad, the Health Ranger
Editor of Natural (See all articles...)
Tags: social media, experiment, racism
eTrust Pro Certified

(Natural News) After landing myself in some pretty hot water over the past few days running an on line social media experiment, I've decided to halt the test and disclose what we've been doing here at Natural News. Yes, it's true: We've been running a social media "stress test" to find out whether Internet users could have a rational discussion on edgy topics like race, gender and same-sex marriage. For this test, I personally penned several eyebrow-raising articles on topics we normally would not cover, including an article on Michael Jackson (which we have already removed, as you'll see below), an article on Clorox attacking fathers (written in an activism / boycott tone), an article on the Zimmerman trial's Rachel Janel and how she appears to be a brain damaged victim of a toxic society that routinely poisons children (written in a journalistic tone), and a parody article announcing that Lady Gaga had called for same-sex fathers to be arrested if they didn't breastfeed their adopted infants. (Yes, you read that right...)

The results of the experiment are mixed. Essentially, they reveal two very important things about America's on line social media culture: People are SMART, but they're also sharply DIVIDED and become quite irrational on highly-charged issues like race, gender and sexual orientation. These results, in retrospect, aren't all that surprising.

But they also reveal that any on line rational discussion on these topics is all but impossible. The issues are simply too charged for most people to think clearly about them.

On the positive side, we also learned that Natural News readers hate hearing about celebrities. I do too, actually. It took an act of sheer willpower to even write about Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga. So this part is encouraging, and it further reinforces my commitment to avoid writing about celebrities unless they're involved in news that's very specific to our core topics such as GMOs, fluoride, vaccines, nutrition, etc.

We also discovered that the most touchy subject of all is anything involving a black woman. To criticize a black woman, regardless of the nature or the focus of the criticism, is to invite yourself to beimmediately labeled a racist. The only way to NOT be labeled a racist is to only say complimentary things about women of color. This is unfortunate, because it means there is no possibility of rational discussion about any issue involving a woman who just happens to be black. So if the next President of the USA, for example, were a black woman, she could immediately become a complete dictator because no criticism of anything she does would be tolerated in our society.

I also discovered that it is entirely acceptable to attack and demean whites or men. This is clearly accepted in our modern-day culture, and you can say things about white men that could never be said about gays, or women, or African-Americans.

In all four of these articles that were part of this test, I repeatedly denounced racism, sexism and abuse of women or children. This made no difference, as seemingly no one who participated in the bashing of the articles had actually bothered to read them. This is another disturbing discovery: People tend to react to the titles of articles, regardless of what the articles actually say. Apparently, the title is enough for people to draw a conclusion about the merit of an entire article these days. I think I could get a lot more stories published, by the way, if I only write the titles and don't bother with the text.

Lady Gaga same-sex gay dad breastfeeding "man milking" article

As a final test in this experiment that really pushed the boundaries of sanity, I posted an article on Facebook entitled, "Lady Gaga: Same-sex dads should be forced to breastfeed adopted children." The article was ridiculous from the outset, suggesting that gay dads could breastfeed adopted children and that the practice would give rise to a new phenomenon called "man milking" or "chestfeeding" instead of "breastfeeding."

The purpose of this post was to find out whether Facebook commenters would rush to the defense of a celebrity figure (Lady Gaga) and support any ridiculous thing she appeared to advocate, or if they would think rationally and call out the idea as being totally ridiculous.

It was also a test to see if I would be called a "gay basher" or a "homophobe" for even writing about "same-sex dads" in the first place.

Although I only allowed the story to stay up on Facebook for about six minutes (or so), it began to be heavily read and shared, generating over 110 visitors a minute to until I pulled the story. I deleted the post after six minutes, but here's a taste of what was posted during that time: (it's actually quite encouraging)

Intelligent responses

"She is a nutcase."

"who cares what he/she says"

"God....what next? These people need more to occupy their time."

"Is this for real? She would know that men don't have mammary glands, at least I would hope she does."

"Lawd what kind of drugs does she take?"

"Why report on this silliness?"

"We need a cheap laugh....thx!"

"Since when does NaturalNews care about what that no-talent assclown says?? Why even validate that stupidity by reporting on it? All the grave problems facing the world today and THIS is what crosses your radar? Get your priorities straight, NN." (Editor's note: Bravo! This is the kind of critical thinking response we like to see.)

"She's just another MK-Ultra/Monarch victim. She's too traumatised to know right from wrong."

Humorous responses

A lot of the intelligent responses were also posted in the form of jokes, which indicate that Facebook readers grasped the fact that the whole thing was a joke to begin with:

"metromilking haha"

"Anything with nipples can be milked haha!"

Critical responses

Astonishingly, I was not attacked over this story, probably because I made it a little too obvious that the story was a complete joke. Or possibly because I didn't give it enough time to spread outside Natural News readers to other lower-IQ readers in the general population.

Natural News readers tend to be quite sharp, and they saw it right away. So I didn't really get the response I was looking for on this article, but that's the way these real-world tests sometimes go. Honestly, I was expecting a lot more criticism by Gaga supporters, but at the same time I didn't want to leave the article up for very long as it was pure parody.

Final conclusion

The conclusion to all this is mixed. When it comes to issues involving race, social media users are wildly irrational and impossible to communicate with. When it comes to issues involving sexual preference, however, they seem to be more grounded and able to think more critically. So race is the hot-button issue where people lose their minds more than anywhere else.

It's also clear that the "racist card" is played far too readily in online discussions, to the point where the accusation of being a "racist" has nearly lost all meaning. When the term no longer means what it's supposed to mean, then it becomes nothing more than extraneous sentence filler. Those who quickly resorted to the racist term seemed to be acting out of a sense of cognitive desperation, realizing they had no argument to stand on and therefore resorting to the racism accusation as a sort of linguistic grenade.

Finally, all this confirms that Natural News would be wise to steer clear of any coverage of celebrities -- "Who gives a crap?" was a common comment -- and that we should expect to continue to be labeled "racist" when covering any news that's critical of a person possessing dark skin. This is unfortunate, because it means the only way to play it safe is to "play it white" and write only about white people, which itself would be a form of discrimination. But that's what the online social media community essentially demands: sanitized, bleached, processed "white news," much like white bread or white sugar.

So it seems I'll have to settle for being labeled a racist from time to time, because I'm not going to write about whites only. Here at Natural News, we cover a diverse selection of news involving people of all races, genders and backgrounds, regardless of the risk of being irrationally criticized for doing so.

Thank you to all who participated in this admittedly risky exploration of the values and reactions of social media participants. I took a lot of heat for running this, but the findings are worth it, I think you'll agree. Because it confirms the importance of the work we're doing here on the topics that really do matter (like GMOs, fluoride, vaccines, nutritional cures and so on).

As always, I encourage you all to think critically about what you're reading on Natural News (and everywhere else). Thanks for spreading the word, and please help keep us honest and accurate on everything we publish.

Inmarsat begins Global Xpress roll-out

8 Dec 2013

Inmarsat begins Global Xpress roll-out

Lift-offThe Proton rocket carrying the first Inmarsat I-5 spacecraft leaves the misty Baikonur pad

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The roll-out has begun for Britain's single biggest commercial space project.
The London-based Inmarsat company has launched the first spacecraft in what will be a new global telecommunications network for its on-the-move customers.
Inmarsat plans to launch up to three further spacecraft in its Ka-band Global Xpress (GX) system, representing an investment of £1bn ($1.6bn).
The initial I-5 F1 satellite was launched from Baikonur in Kazakhstan.
Its Proton rocket left the pad at 18:12 local time (12:12 GMT) on a long flight due to last over 15 hours.
Separation from the Proton's Breeze-M upper-stage on Monday (GMT) should put the I-5 in a supersynchronous transfer orbit that runs out to 65,000km above the planet.
The Boeing-built, 6.1-tonne satellite will then use its own electric propulsion system to circularise this trajectory and move itself into a "stationary" position at 63 degrees East, some 36,000km above the Indian Ocean.
Inmarsat has become the dominant force in the so-called Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) market.
Its principle customer base is the shipping sector, but the company also caters for any groups that need connectivity away from a fixed line. These include oil and gas installations, the aviation sector, armed forces, aid agencies and NGOs in disaster areas, and TV news crews reporting from trouble zones.
Customers can use Inmarsat services to make phone calls, to transfer audio-visual material or simple data.
Alastair LeitheadA BBC correspondent prepares for a live video report over satellite
Traditionally, the company has served these customers using the L-band part of the radio spectrum. However, the new GX constellation will operate in the higher-frequency Ka-band, enabling much higher bandwidth connections - up to 50Mbps download, and 5Mbps upload.
"When we started thinking about this project five years ago, we'd come to the conclusion that you could not grow much further the L-band franchise - not in terms of revenue, but in terms of capacity," explained Ruy Pinto, Inmarsat's chief technical officer.
"We have hit the limits of all-you-can-eat high-data-rate packages in L-band; there simply isn't enough spectrum. Ka is the natural next step to deliver the types of packages our customers want," he told BBC News.
The I-5 satellites will not replace the existing Inmarsat L-band spacecraft; rather, they will augment them, and hopefully also drive new types of services.
Although Ka will accommodate higher data rates, its signals can become degraded in poor weather, and Inmarsat plans to switch customers seamlessly between the bands if some locations on the globe are experiencing particular difficulties.
"The physics of Ka allows higher throughput. It has had a vulnerability in the past because of its susceptibility to 'rain fade', to bad weather, but technology has largely taken care of this problem," added Inmarsat's Michele Franci.
"And for the maritime sector, where you might experience extreme weather, we offer a service onboard the ship where you have a router that is connected to the network management system and chooses Ka or L-band depending on the strength of the signal."
I-5s in the cleanroomA total of four I-5s have been ordered from the Boeing manufacturer
One key and fast-growing market likely to benefit from the introduction of the Global Xpress system is the aviation sector.
Inmarsat already provides mobile connectivity to enable airlines to offer on-board wifi for passengers. Ka should mean those passengers can do more on their laptops, tablets and smartphones while in the air.
Of all Inmarsat's revenue streams, this one is currently growing fastest - in double digits.
Three satellites, separated from each other by roughly 120 degrees, are required to complete the GX network. Inmarsat will launch the I-5 F2 and F3 models next year, with the aim of having 90% of services up and running by the end of 2014.
The company has also exercised an option to buy a fourth spacecraft from Boeing.
This additional platform will initially provide insurance against any failure in the first three, be that a loss on launch or a major malfunction in orbit. But the intention is certainly to put it in orbit at some point.
Richard Roithner from the space consultancy Euroconsult said the GX roll-out was a big moment for Inmarsat.
He told the BBC: "With this trend towards the higher data-rate needs of customers, Inmarsat has increasingly faced competition from Fixed Satellite Service operators, such as Intelsat and SES with what is called VSAT in the Ku and C-band. This has taken away some high-end customers.
"These operators are all now thinking about their next-generation, high-throughput systems. And in the future, Intelsat will probably be the main competition with a system called Epic," he said.
Network Operations CentreInmarsat began life as a not-for-profit organisation, but is now the world's biggest commercial MSS provider

Galaxy S3 smartphone

Samsung retries botched update to Galaxy S3 smartphone

models hold a Samsung Galaxy S and a Galaxy S3 Mini (R) smartphonesThe Galaxy S3 was Samsung's flagship smartphone but has been succeeded by the S4

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Samsung has started again to roll out an update to its Galaxy S3 smartphone, weeks after a botched attempt angered users.
Some S3 owners were left with devices that drained battery quickly, would suddenly freeze, or were "bricked" altogether.
The update was to give users version 4.3 of the Android operating system - also known as Jelly Bean.
"We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused," the company said.
A statement explained: "The fix for the issues with Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean 4.3 upgrade has begun rolling out to selected users in the UK, and will continue to do so.
"Specific upgrade schedules will vary by mobile operators. Please check your phone for the upgrade."
Samsung was unable to give more precise details on who the "selected" users were, or when the problem would be fully resolved for all.
'How much longer?'
Users in the UK and US appeared to be worst affected by the problems, which began last month.
Samsung was forced to temporarily suspend its upgrade service after a flood of complaints on social media - with the length of time it has taken to fix being the most common complaint.
"We have paid a lot of money for this phone," wrote Tushar Dass on Facebook. "I don't think we deserve this treatment."
Another, Jim Lovett-Dalley, added: "How much longer must we wait for a working phone, Samsung? Been over two weeks now. I'm paying £27 a month for a phone that's about as useful as a chocolate teapot."
Enthusiasts and bloggers speculated that the update may have been rushed out to ensure compatibility w

Complite Holy Quran with Urdu Translation

27 Oct 2013

Holy Quran with Urdu Translation      Reg:RANA SAJJAD

Sorah     Para
Urdu TranslationArabic Quran

Please pray for me, my mother, my family and for my self. We have severe need for your prayers and duas.
You can\03024090143


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